Block 208
Frontalansicht von der Straße
Detail Hofansicht
Innenansicht Wohnraum

Block 208

LocationBehrenstraße 27, D-10117 Berlin
ClientHofgarten Real Estate B.V., Amsterdam
Building period1994–1997
VolumeGFA 5.500m²

The number of inner city residential areas is low today. The building at Behrenstrasse 28, by comparison, is almost purely residential. What is urban life like today? The person of today is looking for the generosity of a studio and, at the same time, the intimacy and comfort of an apartment. In the manner of Corbusier, the maisonette apartments from the second floor upwards are arranged differently and interlock with one another over one and a half storeys. The apartments are glazed towards the courtyard and most of them have conservatories. Towards the street, the facade is structured horizontally by matt glistening, green-grey granite. Five storeys drop back across five axes so that a four-axis tower emerges, which finds its counterpart in the drive-through passage on the ground floor.